Lens, as an organization whose focus is technology and better access to communications services, welcomes the publication of this report and strongly supports the monitoring of the quality of electronic communications services.
Last week the Regulatory Authority of Electronic and Postal Communications has published the first annual report on the quality of electronic communications services.
Both operators were obliged to report each year on the quality of services under the QoS Regulation. So far this data, although published, have not been further elaborated by ARKEP. For the first report according to the respective plan, ARKEP has made the same values measurements for which it provided the corresponding comparisons between the declared values, the reported ones and the measurements by the authority.
This report by ARKEP that comes after the analysis of the quality parameters of the services of two main operators in Kosovo PTK and IPKO, stems from the ARKEP platform for measuring the quality of services which has not been made public.
This report analyzes:
– Voice communication in fixed and mobile telephony within the network of operators together with their interconnection.
-SMS through the mobile phone, within the network of operators together with their interconnection.
Currently there are still no specified norms required by ARKEP for providing quality services, which should have been specified by the Regulation on the quality of services and on the general instructions. Also, this report lacks quality assessment for Internet services. Below you will find some of the most prominent features of this report on the type of relevant communications.
For fixed telephony:
ARKEP has concluded that the sound quality (estimated by the ITU’s adopted WEEE algorithm) is satisfactory and better than that reported by the operators themselves.
-In the case of PTK there are changes in the ratio of failed calls which, according to ARKEP measurements, result higher than reported.
– For IPKO, ARKEP has found changes in the speed of national call realization, where measured values indicate delays twice larger than that reported by the operator.
For Mobile Telephony:
-The quality of voice remains satisfactory ë acceptable
-Both operators must reduce the failed calls rate as well as the waiting time for calls.
Lens supports this report and encourages ARKEP to further focus on overseeing the quality of electronic communications services; especially in terms of setting minimum values of parameters and also on monitoring the quality for Internet services.
You can find the complete report here.