“Self-employment and Social Entrepreneurship for Youth” is a project funded by the European Union through the IPA II Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Montenegro-Kosovo 2014-2020. The action aims to contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of young unemployed people in Montenegro and Kosovo regarding their self-employment prospects in the digital economy.
This project is implemented by Association for Democratic Prosperity – Zid, Association for Technology – Lens, Liberal Democrat Centre and Creative Skills Center.
ADP – Zid, LENS and its partners are inviting qualified service providers to apply for the following service:
- Expert to develop Communication Strategy for the project Self-employment and Social Entrepreneurship for Youth
If you meet the following criteria and are interested, please write to us by 10 May 2019 on info@ngolens.org for the instructions to apply and ToR:
- At least 5 years of professional experience in the sector(s); directly or indirectly related to service of this contract;
- At least 5 years of professional experience in providing similar services to CSO organizations;
- At least five (5) assignments/ services conducted within the previous 2 years period;
- At least Master Degree Academic of experts involved level or equivalent University degree (where a university degree has been awarded on completion of a study in a university or equivalent institution);
- Fluency in English language, both spoken and written;
- Computer literacy;
- Be a registered legal entity.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Equal opportunity must be ensured to each individual regardless of race, color, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability, marital status, veteran status, or any other occupationally irrelevant condition.
This project is funded by the IPA II Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Montenegro – Kosovo 2014-2020 of the European Union.
This article was created with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of LENS and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.