
Kosovo still suffers from many social problems, such as the high rate of unemployment and the poor welfare of its citizens. The economic growth rate is insufficient and the low inclusion of the citizens in the labour market is still concerning.


Our “Self-employment” report, focuses on the active measures of labour market and their impact on the improvement of unemployment. The active measures of labour market are amongst the key interventions of government on the improvement of unemployment. Their purpose is to offer employment opportunities for job seekers and they play an important role on the integration in the labour market of those who are unemployed. Some of the active measures of labour market that are applied in Kosovo are: Self-employment, internships and on-the-job training, vocational trainings and public works. These active measures are implemented through the cooperation of institutions and different donors.


Self – employment is one of the labour market measures that helps job seekers who want to get involved in the labour market through start up businesses. The self-employment program is a very competitive one and it guarantees returns on investment and the created businesses guarantee durability and financial sustainability for the employed. Those who wish to start these businesses, are offered trainings and consulting on business management by vocational training centers. Self- employment as a program continues to contribute with 21% of the general rate of employment in Kosovo.


Our research also presents the self-employment in the function of social enterprises. Social enterprises as a way of self-employment not only help job seekers who want to start businesses, but they help other unemployed people as well since these enterprises’ scope of work involves the improvement of social problems and employment opportunities for groups who are at risk of exclusion from the labour market.


You can find the Self Employment report here.