The regional project “Youth and Media” has analyzed the situation of young people in the media in 11 countries of Eastern Europe. Was funded by the Open Society Foundation, and is coordinated by Metamorphosis and YEF from Macedonia, Kosovo research has developed by NGO LENS .
The aim of the research project was the presence of young people in the media, their requirements and needs for information, habits of use and portrayal that was done to them in the media. Except in Kosovo, project has been developed parallel in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, Macedonia, Greece and Turkey.
During the research, which was conducted entirely online, collected more than a thousand questionnaires completed by the age group 15-30 years. Kosovo youth have proven to be better equipped with the technology, according to the responses received almost everyone has a television and a laptop computer, and among the highest percentages in the region (80.3%) is what people who use smartphones .
Ka rezultuar të jetë lehtësisht më e lartë përqindja e femrave që kanë një kompjuter (86.0%) se sa e meshkujve (84.8%). Ndërkaq që të pasurit e një laptop-i është më i shpeshtë tek njerëzit me edukim të lartë, të ardhura mujore mbi 1000€ dhe që jetojnë në zona urbane.
There proved to be slightly higher percentage of women who have a computer (86.0%) than men (84.8%). Whilst having a laptop is more common among people with higher education, monthly income above € 1,000 and living in urban areas. Using the TV also increases with age, level of education, but is slightly higher among males. During the viewing preferences of young people in relation to the content provided by the media, it was observed that in parallel with movies and entertainment programs and news and information programs remain among the most common choices of their own.
Preference programs more attractive to young people resulted: movies, news and information, documentaries, music, technology / computers, sports, culture, youth programs, nature and environment, etc. (for exact figures consult the detailed report with tables ).
PAlmost unanimously declared that young people feel left out in the programs and information on the economy and business. The research also took into account the responses of media organizations and media in Kosovo
The full report with details of research conducted in Kosovo can download here and the results for the region are published here.