This Open Call for the Award of the Small Grants is announced under the WeB4YES project (Western Balkan Civil Society Organizations for Youth Employment Support) which has been supported under the framework of the Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2016 –2017 – Consolidating Regional Thematic Networks of Civil Society Organizations by the European Commission.
The objective of this Call is to improve the effectiveness of the civil society organizations in Western Balkans in undertaking initiatives for improving youth employment and entrepreneurship policies at the local level.
The Call aims to further build capacities of the civil society organizations from the Western Balkans and strengthen their involvement in public decision-making and also to design and implement the innovative initiatives related to youth employment, employability and entrepreneurship.
The budget ceiling for each individual project will be up to 10.000,00 € (The maximum amount awarded by BOS is up to 9.000,00 EUR). The overall indicative amount made available from the Grant Support Scheme of the Action is up to 150.000,00 €.
In order to be eligible for support from Grant Support Schemes, the applicant and the co-applicant(s) must:
- be a legal person and;
- be non-profit making;
- be civil society organization or non-profit making enterprises (This refers to the nonprofit making organizations registered under the Law on social enterprises that are valid in Kosovo)
- have a proven track record or experience in working on youth or employment/entrepreneurship field;
- be established and operate in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo or Serbia;
- be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the project.
- have an annual turnover of less or equal to EUR 50,000.00;
- has never been a recipient of an EU grant from the IPA programme or has limited experience in participating under the EU grant support framework;
- have the management capacity, professional competences and qualification required to successfully complete the proposed action;
Project proposals should be written in English or in the local language (Serbian, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Albanian, Macedonian, and Montenegrin).
The Executive Summary of the application must be available in English.
More information about the call can be found in the following link: